July 30, 2017
What you need to know about Summer School this year.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What’s new for 2025?

There are some important changes for Summer School 2025. We encourage all attendees to read over these changes carefully to ensure you know how things will run this year.

New to CMS Summer School?

Welcome! Find out what happens at Summer School here.

When and where is Summer School held?

CMS Summer School 2025 will run from 4-10 January 2025. The opening session begins at 7:15pm on Saturday 4 January.

Summer School is held at Katoomba Christian Convention, 119 Cliff Dr, Katoomba NSW.

How will Summer School run in 2025?

Summer School is an in-person conference. There will be the option of watching an online livestream of the morning and evening sessions held in the Auditorium, including missionary sessions. All Youth & Children’s programs will run in-person only.

How do I register for Summer School?

Registration for Summer School 2025 is now open.

Online registration is through the MyCMS portal, an online platform to keep your essential details in one place and allow easier registration for all CMS events, including Summer School. Find more information on the Register page.

Registration has now closed for all Summer School Youth & Children’s programs.

Early Bird registration has now closed.

Standard registration (for the adult program only) – Available online after 30 November 2024 until Summer School 2025, however attendees will not receive printed name tags and will incur the standard registration fee.

On-site registration (for the adult program only) – Available during Summer School until 10 January 2025.

Note: Adults and children within your registration who are not living at your residential address should be registered as ‘guests’.

Please contact the CMS office on (02) 9267 3711 if you would like assistance with registering online.

What is the cost of Summer School?

Registration costs for Summer School have remained at 2024 prices and are as follows. These costs do not include any accommodation or meals (other than morning tea).

Standard prices

For the week: $250 per person ($170 for concession)
Day attendance: $65 per person ($45 for concession) per day

Online livestream-only option

$100 per person ($50 for concession)
Livestream-only registration gives one person access to video livestreams and the recordings of these, which can be rewatched during January 2025. Please note, there will be no online Youth & Children’s program. If you would like to watch the livestream with a group or you are running a group, we will advise how to go about this closer to the event – please watch this space for updates.

Can I watch the sessions after livestream times?

Yes, the session recordings will be made available to watch after the livestream times via an online showcase. They will be posted as soon as possible but please allow up to one day for the content to become available. Please note that these sessions may only be rewatched during January 2025, after which they will be taken down prior to the talks being released to the general public in March 2025.

Will CMS provide accommodation?

Accommodation is not included in registration for Summer School. In order to accommodate our missionaries, speakers, Youth & Children’s team leaders and staff, there will be no attendee accommodation at the CMS Conference Centre or KCC venues, except for limited KCC Campsite accommodation.

KCC Campsite accommodation

Please note that campsite bookings are no longer available as site allocations are now exhausted.

Can I access the program and session line-up ahead of Summer School?

Yes, the program (including session information) is now available on the Program page.

Can I access talk outlines?

Yes, a digital booklet with talk outlines will be available to download on the Summer School 2025 conference webpage in late 2024. Registered delegates will receive an Info Pack email in December (or upon registration, if they register after December) with a link to this conference page.

Will I receive more information after I register?

Registered delegates will receive an Info Pack email in December (or upon registration, if they register after December) with detailed information about Summer School.

What happens when I arrive at Summer School?

If you haven’t registered for Summer School, follow the signs to register on site before heading to Check-In.

If you have registered, please head to the Check-In locations at the times listed below to pick up your conference material. The best time to check in is on Saturday afternoon at Katoomba High School. You only need to check in once for adult registration.

Katoomba High School – Early Saturday Check-In (Recommended)

Please park on Martin Street and enter the High School
Saturday, 2pm – 4:30pm

On-site Check-In

Overflow Tent (outside the Auditorium)
Saturday, 6:15pm – 7:15pm
Sunday – Monday, 8:15am – 9am & 6:15pm – 7:15pm
Tuesday, 8:15am – 9am

Inside the Auditorium
Tuesday, 6:15pm – 7:15pm
Wednesday – Thursday, 8:15am – 9am & 6:15pm – 7:15pm
Friday, 8:15am – 9am

How will Youth & Children’s Check-In and Check-Out run?

This year sees a significant change to the Youth & Children’s Check-In and Check-Out process. We are hoping that with the change in our parking and transport plan, this will bring improvements to the whole process. We do understand that this is a significant change and thank you in advance for your patience as we implement this change and seek to care for our youth and children.

Your Check-In and Check-Out location (either KCC site, Katoomba Public School or Katoomba High School) will be determined by which program your YOUNGEST CHILD attends, and this location will be the same for the whole of Summer School.

1. If your youngest child is in Crèche or Preschool:

Check in and check out all your children at the KCC SITE.

For families with school-aged children: Please check school-aged children in at the Clairvaux Tent first. They will then be transported to and from their program locations by bus.

For children in the Preschool program: Preschool Check-In will be at Clairvaux.

For children in Crèche programs: Crèche Check-In will be at the Plaza (0-24 months) or the Lodge (25-36 months). Check-Out will be at the same locations.

Crèche finishes at 10:45am, in time for morning tea. Check-Out for Preschool and Clairvaux Tent will be from 12:15pm.

2. If your youngest child is in Kindergarten-Year 5, or Year 11-12:

Check in and check out all your children at KATOOMBA HIGH SCHOOL (Enter from Martin St).

Siblings in programs at Katoomba Public School will be transported there and back by bus.

3. If your youngest child is in Year 6-10:

Check in and check out all your children at KATOOMBA PUBLIC SCHOOL (Enter from Ada St).

Siblings in the Year 11-12 program at Katoomba High School will be transported there and back by bus.

Please park near the school and catch the Park ‘n’ Ride bus to the main KCC site. Buses will return to Katoomba Public and High Schools from Oak Street after missionary sessions, at 12:15pm. We appreciate your promptness in getting to buses to ensure your children are picked up in a timely manner.

If your school-aged child becomes sick during their program, a program director will contact you to go and collect your child. CMS will organise a shuttle to take you to your child at their program. Parents are asked to head to the information desk at the rear of the Auditorium where the team will arrange this.

Do I really need another tote bag?

We hear you! So, in 2025 we’re encouraging delegates to BYO Bag to Summer School. If you’ve attended Summer School previously, why not bring your favourite bag? A conference book, pen, and other resources, will be provided to attendees in paper bags at Check-In. Calico bags will be available for those who would still like one.

Are t-shirts available this year?

Yes! T-shirts for Summer School 2025 can be purchased online here.

What should I do if I am sick?

If you or your children are unwell on any day of Summer School, for the safety of all attendees we ask that you please consider others and stay at home. In-person registration includes access to the livestream from the Auditorium, so you can watch Summer School online.

Are refunds available if I am no longer able to attend Summer School?

CMS understands that, for reasons beyond your control, you may be unable to attend some or all of Summer School. Requests for refunds will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the CMS office before Summer School commences, by emailing [email protected] or phoning (02) 9267 3711 if you wish to request a refund.